Pedigree (possibly) reaches 14 generations!
This week I entered a few searches into the International Genealogical Index (IGI) at and eventually came up with rather a surprise – a BALDOCK pedigree dating back to 1600!
The pedigree presented must however, like all IGI information, be treated with caution – since it suggested Joseph (b. ~1743) and his wife Elizabeth (m. ~1768) were both BALDOCK and had the same parents! It is not uncommon for LDS ancestries to be inaccurate, and “chosen” to fit the convenience of the situation… or just plainly erroneous in entry/submission.
Nevertheless, it provided me with dates and places, from which I can verify (or not) whether this pedigree is true ancestry for Joseph. I have recorded as such, for now (although not submitted online yet).
I spot another trip to Canterbury Cathedral Archives!

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