Overwhelmed and underachieved ….
One has to visit a cemetery such as that at Canterbury to appreciate its scale ….
I had gone along Sunday with the hope and expectation of finding missing CASTLE ancestors which I was unable to locate in St Dunstan’s churchyard. I should have been much wiser, having gone armed with a cemetery plan which show its segmentation into smaller zones. And as usual I had not contacted the local council to determine possible plots numbers…. !
All this meant that I was relying on my usual wanderings through gravestones and along paths, recording any names which were recognisable. However, this did result in my locating two or three CASTLE graves for people not in my tree, and a Charles HATTON, which I need to investigate.
One benefit of checking by this method is that one tends to find graves which may not otherwise have been found.
All this took around 3 hours – and still probably less than a third of the cemetery checked…. !
Note to self (again) – really, REALLY, must research plot numbers with councils before visiting more cemeteries!

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