WDYTYA Live 2009 brief review …
Well, I attended the show on Friday 27th February, as planned.
I was quite surprised how many people were waiting for the Olympia train on the Earl’s Court platform ! Everyone carrying their bags of files & paperwork to “ask the experts”. |
Generally, I thought the seminar timetable was far too full. I would have liked to hear the “Getting the most out of Ancestry.co.uk”, but it clashed with Else Churchill’s “I’m stuck! Tracing your elusive ancestor”
I picked up some tips, spoke to some useful people, learned of some useful websites (including The War Graves Photographic Project – http://www.twgpp.org/), came away with lots of leaflets, restricted my spending(!) and managed to speak to an Army memorabilia expert who identified the uniforms in a mystery photo which may be linked to Noel HAGESTADT.
If I have anything else bad to say (other than the full timetable), then it might be that it was very commercial. But then I guess that’s what the sponsors expect/want. I was advised to attend The Family History Event at the Barbican Centre on Sunday 3rd May 2009. You’re more likely to see your local family history society, since the exhibition fees are more affordable!
Hope anyone else who went felt their trip useful. Comments welcome.
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