Family of Noel Arendt HAGESTADT and Vera Marguerite NOWILL
| Noel Arendt HAGESTADT (1887- )
| Vera Marguerite NOWILL (1888- )
| Christine HAUGHTON (1922-1990)
| 4 Dec 1918
| Sheffield, Yorkshire, England
1,2 |
Husband: Noel Arendt HAGESTADT
Noel Arendt HAGESTADT |
Additional Information
Census (1)
| 9 Colonial Street
Census (2)
| 81 Park Street
Wife: Vera Marguerite NOWILL
| Vera Marguerite NOWILL
| Female
| Bradley NOWILL (1859-1918)
| Christine Annie FOSTER (1860- )
| Q4 1888
| Ecclesall Bierlow, Yorkshire, England
6 |
Census (1)
| 5 Apr 1891 (age 2)
| Upper Hallam, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England
7 |
Census (2)
| 31 Mar 1901 (age 12)
| Upper Hallam, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England
8 |
Census (3)
| 2 Apr 1911 (age 22)
| Ecclesall Bierlow, Yorkshire, England
9 |
Additional Information
Census (1)
| Cairns Rd
Census (2)
| Cairns Rd
Census (3)
| 13 Ranmoor Park Road
Child 1: Christine HAUGHTON
Christine HAUGHTON |
Spouse: William James FAGG |
| Christine HAUGHTON
| Female
| William James FAGG (1918-1989)
| 5 Jan 1922
| Sheffield, Yorkshire, England
| Oct 1990 (age 68)
| Birchington, Kent, England
10,11 |
| | Birchington (All Saints), Kent, England
11 |
1 | "BMD Index". Q4 1918. Cit. Date: "4-12-2008". Assessment: Primary evidence.
Text From Source: Sheffield 9c 1050
2 | "Marriage Certificate". No.171. Cit. Date: 14 December 2008. Assessment:
Primary evidence.
Text From Source: Fourth December 1918
Noel Haughton-31 years-Bachelor-Chief Engine Room Artificer H.M.S. Prince
Rupert-81 Park Street, Hull-Robert Haughton (deceased)-Marine Engineer
Vera Marguerite Nowill-30 years-Spinster- -206 Ecclesall Road, Sheffield-Bradley
Nowill (deceased)-Cutlery Manufacturer
Witnesses: J.C.F. Nowill, Sidney Nowill, Nancy Nowill, H.A. Boultbee
Minister: Arthur J. Smith
Registrar: John E. Whitehead
Despite anecdotes indicating that Noel changed his name during WWI from
HAGGERSTADT (or similar), his father is listed as Robert HAUGHTON (deceased) on
his marriage certificate.
3 | "Census 1891 Kingston upon Hull RG12/3937". Assessment: Primary evidence.
Source: Census 1891 Kingston upon Hull RG12/3937, RG12/3937/115 p16 |
4 | "BMD Index". Q4 1887. Cit. Date: 1 February 2009. Assessment: Primary
Text From Source: Hull 9d 216
If no luck with source, try Hull 9d 246, since images not perfect.
5 | "Census 1901 Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire, England RG13/4498". Assessment:
Primary evidence.
Source: Census 1901 Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire, England RG13/4498, RG13/4498/145 p8 |
6 | "BMD Index". Q4 1888. Cit. Date: 4 December 2008. Assessment: Primary
Text From Source: Ecclesall B. 9c 337
7 | "Census 1891 Upper Hallam, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England RG12/3800".
Assessment: Primary evidence.
Source: Census 1891 Upper Hallam, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England RG12/3800, RG12/3800/42 p4 |
8 | "Census 1901 Upper Hallam, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England RG13/4345".
Assessment: Primary evidence.
Source: Census 1901 Upper Hallam, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England RG13/4345, RG13/4345/125 p8 |
9 | "Census 1911 Ecclesall Bierlow, Yorkshire, England RG14/27753". Assessment:
Primary evidence.
Source: Census 1911 Ecclesall Bierlow, Yorkshire, England RG14/27753, RG14/27753 s126 |
10 | "BMD Index". Q3 1990. Cit. Date: 31 December 2008. Assessment: Primary
Text From Source: Thanet 16 1855
11 | "Gravestone". Cit. Date: 21 June 0009. Assessment: Primary evidence.
Text From Source: In loving memory of John FAGG 1872-1945 and his wife Edith
Louisa 1876-1947.
Also their beloved son Wm. James (Jim) 1918-1989 and his beloved wife Christine
GPS loc. E 1.30467 N 51.37352