Archive for August, 2012

Tree status as at 14 Jan 2013: Individuals=4066 Families=1091
Latest tree updates:
Blog=27 Jan 2011, GenesReunited=27 Jan 2011
AncestralAtlas=23 Jan 2010, Ancestry=28 Jan 2011

Social networking mapping site

Yet another recommendation from Thomas MacEntee of Geneabloggers is the social networking mapping site called It allows you to plot events and attribute photos and messages at locations on maps (which appear to be Google ones).

Although the site is not aimed primarily at genealogists, the site has obviously perceived its usefulness as a tool for them, since there are drop-down boxes for ‘Ancestors’ and appropriate life events.

I already use Ancestral Atlas (although not for rather a long time), having created an account at its launch. Ancestral Atlas is specifically aimed at genealogists, so it would be interesting to see how many will use uencounter.

Do you use such sites, or can you recommend others? Comments welcome.

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Published in: Genealogy | on August 7th, 2012 | 1 Comment »

Genealogy social networking and blogging site

Today I was made aware of a ‘new’ genealogy social networking and blogging site called FamilyTreeCircles. The site allows you to create a blog without needing knowledge of specialist systems such as WordPress, and allows you to publish stories and research. You also add your location and surname interests so that others may link up and make contact through the site.

I have signed up this morning and have already found someone who seems to have a 17th Century BALDOCK link. Although their post was 11 months ago, I have responded.

I guess this is when I learn how active the site really is….

Thanks to Thomas MacEntee of Geneabloggers for the referral.

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Published in: Genealogy | on August 7th, 2012 | 1 Comment »