Norfolk beckons?
After trying so desperately to locate the family of my dad’s uncle Walter BALDOCK, I may have hit on something …
I had been searching Kent records (particularly Thanet, where they had lived) for marriage records, with no luck. I knew his wife was known as Jessie, but this could have come from anywhere. Nevertheless, I finally gained the patience to search systematically through Ancestry and FindMyPast.
And there I found it! Uncle Wally and Aunt Jessie were married in Norfolk – Erpingham district, to be precise! Walter A BALDOCK married Jessie I ABRAM !
Now armed with a maiden name, I also found six daughters; we already knew the names of some, but this confirmed things, along with birth quarter-dates, a marriage and two grandsons. Of course, all this has yet to be verified.
I now hope to get the marriage certificate, and plan to further investigate the children to seek out possible marriages, further grandchildren, and maybe locate a family member living somewhere.
The Norfolk marriage is spooky, given my belief that the BALDOCK family may have some ancestry there. Maybe Jessie was from Norfolk? Or perhaps she was a Cromer seaside holiday romance? The certificate will help …